Next-Gen Medical Diagnostics 
AI and Advanced Sensing Technology for Accessible, Enhanced Medical Imaging

AQMed is dedicated to advancing medical diagnostics through AI and cutting-edge sensing technology. Our mission is to revolutionize diagnostic accuracy and speed, ultimately improving patient care. We develop next-generation imaging devices that are portable and easy to use, that will enable healthcare providers to deliver superior care in diverse settings worldwide.

Our first product, CardiAQ™, is a groundbreaking magnetocardiography (MCG) device with the potential for faster, more accurate diagnosis of cardiovascular disease – the leading cause of death globally. This mobile, non-invasive device will provide rapid, radiation-free imaging of the heart's magnetic signals, leveraging Large Quantitative Models (LQMs) and high-performance sensors to provide physicians with a powerful tool for early diagnosis and better patient outcomes.

The Cost of Cardiovascular Disease

Deaths each year to cardiovascular diseases 1
$230Billion USD
Annual cost of heart diseases in the U.S. 2
$3Billion USD
Annual cost of evaluating suspected heart attacks 3

“SandboxAQ’s approach to revolutionize cardiac diagnoses with contactless, high-performance sensors and sophisticated AI will benefit patients, save lives, and impact cardiac care globally with on-demand, real-time analysis.”

Dr. Jeffrey Bander, MD, Chief of Cardiology, Mount Sinai West

Tackling the Leading Cause of Death

The electrocardiogram (EKG), a 150-year-old tool for monitoring heart activity, has several limitations. EKG measures cardiac electrical impulses that may be distorted by bodily tissues, which can affect diagnostic accuracy.

CardiAQ uses high-performance sensors to detect minute variations in the heart’s magnetic signals. We aim to employ advanced LQMs to eliminate any electromagnetic interference in a dynamic hospital environment and classify complex magnetic field maps into useful diagnosis. This will allow capturing minute details of the heart's electromagnetic activity, helping detect abnormal patterns and potential cardiac disease states more effectively.

Unlike previous MCG devices, CardiAQ is compact, operates at room temperature with low power requirements, and needs no specialized cooling or shielding. It can be installed beside a hospital bed or used on a mobile cart for point-of-care diagnostics. CardiAQ also has the potential to reduce stress by not subjecting patients to confined spaces, expensive tests and unnecessary invasive procedures. It aims to deliver results within minutes, bridging the gap between low-cost, non-invasive but less sensitive EKGs and expensive imaging methods like MRI or CT scans or invasive procedures.

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“The CardiAQ device shows how AI and this next generation of sensing technologies will revolutionize cardiac diagnosis and address the unmet clinical need for more effective patient care. This is the future of medicine.”

Dr. Toby Cosgrove, MD, cardiac surgeon and former president/CEO, Cleveland Clinic

The Future of AI and Advanced Sensors in Healthcare

To test CardiAQ’s capabilities, two prominent research hospitals have conducted or are conducting clinical studies using the device, including the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) and Mount Sinai West Medical Center in New York City. SandboxAQ is also collaborating with Mayo Clinic to examine the relationship between MCG and the findings seen in angiography.

Our team continues to explore additional MCG use cases for detecting a broad range of cardiovascular diseases. Our mission is to save lives, reduce the economic burden of medical care, and deliver cutting-edge treatment capabilities – from the largest hospital systems to the smallest, most remote medical facilities.

For more information about CardiAQ and potential cooperative research partnership opportunities, please

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