Quantum technologies hold enormous potential for advancing societies through breakthrough applications in healthcare, finance, telecommunications, manufacturing, cybersecurity, defense, technology, and more. However, the growing global divide between countries with established quantum programs, and those without, is a cause for concern and will only become more pronounced as these technologies accelerate. To change this trajectory, SandboxAQ partnered with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to develop a blueprint for building national quantum ecosystems, which was unveiled at the WEF Annual Meeting in Davos. You can read more about it on the WEF website.
The blueprint was designed to inform leaders and policy-makers on the best practices for developing and growing their country’s quantum ecosystem. Borrowing from best practices of nations with more developed quantum programs, the blueprint shows how countries can align academia, investors, industry, and government policies to create quantum initiatives that drive innovation, create jobs, improve healthcare, economic competitiveness and national security, and more. Countries can use this methodology to establish long-term strategic objectives, form requisite partnerships – both locally and internationally, prioritize essential elements, and develop implementation plans to get the ball rolling.
Each country’s needs and stages of quantum development are different, but there are a few key elements that each must master in order to establish a thriving quantum ecosystem.
By following WEF’s blueprint, countries will be able to develop, support, and commercialize their quantum tech initiatives, create new opportunities for economic prosperity, and protect their national security, business integrity, and citizens' privacy. We believe it will have a tremendous positive impact on closing the global quantum divide, and we’re incredibly proud to have helped shape this global initiative. We hope that, through the efforts of the WEF and more advanced quantum nations, all countries around the world will have the opportunity to benefit from these revolutionary technologies.